Environmental responsibility is no longer an ‘option’.

Environmental Fencing.

Many blocks of land have areas well suited to preservation of waterways, wetlands, and planting of natives or tree crops. Protecting native bush, preserving wetlands and animal welfare are all important factors. White Fencing specialise in environmental fencing and will work through providing quotes for grants, costing options with our clients and working with them to creative a positive environmental impact.


tractor and post driver fencing native bush

Bush Block Fencing.

Many Clients are choosing to fence off  bush to protect it from stock and to meet consent conditions for subdivisions. We have the equipment to get into the steep difficult country and get around jobs with a reduced environmental footprint.

post wire and batten fencing along waterway

Waterway & Wetlands Fencing.

By fencing off wetlands/ waterways you are effectively protecting the fresh water from effluent damage by creating a buffer between the stock and the waterway. Fencing off waterways can create a habitat for birds and freshwater species.

wooden post and rail tree box

Tree Boxes.

With an increasing awareness of animal welfare, its recognised as a farming practice that stock need shade. We specialise in tree boxes designed to withstand persistent animals and to protect specimen trees and block planting areas.



Please scroll down to see examples of our workmanship.

Talk to us, we can help.

This may seem like a mammoth task to undertake, but we are here to help and can suggest different ways this can be achieved. If you would like to discuss how you can improve your farm or lands environmental ability please get in touch with us.

Benching for fence lines.

 In order to create flat contour for 100% stock proof effectiveness we will often bench lines in difficult country. 

Environmental Fencing Gallery.