Horticultural Machinery.

We believe in staying at the forefront of technology within our industry. If we see equipment that we believe will allow us to do a better job for the client more efficiently, we are not afraid of investing our resources to ensure we bring our best.

excavator pulling out tree with rotating grabber

Rotating Grabber.

This piece of equipment is mounted to our 16T excavator and allows us to not only pull out/plant trees. It allows us to manoeuvre poles up of to 11 m length for orchard work.

excavator with vibrator plate

Vibrator Plate.

This is essential when installing large orchard poles.

digger with auger drilling rig

Drilling Auger Rig.

When we are working on big horticultural projects with large piles, a drilling rig is essential. This allows us to bore holes up to Xm catering to poles of up to Ym long.

tractor with revolution post driver

Tractor Post Driver.

Our tractor + post driver combo is great for ramming deadmans in orchard work. We use Revolution Postdrivers in our fleet. At the moment we have 4x operational units mountable to our tractors, skid steer and excavator.

kubota skid steer with revolution post driver

Skid Steer + Post Driver.

This is the newest addition to the White Fencing fleet. This Kubota skid steer is fully remote controlled and equipped with a revolution Telescopic Swinga. Our operator can control this machine from a safe distance, use it to drive posts in narrow spaces (such as vineyards) and hot swap from a post driver to forks if he needs to. This machine is a versatile powerhouse.

hydralada in kiwifruit orchard


As we have been taking on more horticultural development projects in recent years we have invested in a few of these Hydraladas to help our staff on these large projects. These machines are invaluable in projects of this scale.

Got an question? Send us a message.

 Other Equipment.